In this blog, you will learn how to fine-tune LayoutLM (v1) for document-understand using Tensorflow, Keras & Hugging Face Transformers. LayoutLM is a document image understanding and information extraction transformers and was originally published by Microsoft Research as PyTorch model, which was later converted to Keras by the Hugging Face Team. LayoutLM (v1) is the only model in the LayoutLM family with an MIT-license, which allows it to be used for commercial purposes compared to other LayoutLMv2/LayoutLMv3.
We will use the FUNSD dataset a collection of 199 fully annotated forms. More information for the dataset can be found at the dataset page.
Before we can start, make sure you have a Hugging Face Account to save artifacts and experiments.
Quick intro: LayoutLM by Microsoft Research
LayoutLM is a multimodal Transformer model for document image understanding and information extraction transformers and can be used form understanding and receipt understanding.
Now we know how LayoutLM works, so let's get started. 🚀
Note: This tutorial was created and run on a g4dn.xlarge AWS EC2 Instance including a NVIDIA T4.
1. Setup Development Environment
Our first step is to install the Hugging Face Libraries, including transformers and datasets. Running the following cell will install all the required packages.
Additinoally, we need to install an OCR-library to extract text from images. We will use pytesseract.
If you haven't set up a Tensorflow environment you can use the conda snippet below.
This example will use the Hugging Face Hub as a remote model versioning service. To be able to push our model to the Hub, you need to register on the Hugging Face.
If you already have an account, you can skip this step.
After you have an account, we will use the notebook_login util from the huggingface_hub package to log into our account and store our token (access key) on the disk.
2. Load and prepare FUNSD dataset
We will use the FUNSD dataset a collection of 199 fully annotated forms. The dataset is available on Hugging Face at nielsr/funsd.
Note: The LayoutLM model doesn't have a AutoProcessor to create the our input documents, but we can use the LayoutLMv2Processor instead.
To load the funsd dataset, we use the load_dataset() method from the 🤗 Datasets library.
Lets checkout an example of the dataset.
We can display all our classes by inspecting the features of our dataset. Those ner_tags will be later used to create a user friendly output after we fine-tuned our model.
To train our model we need to convert our inputs (text/image) to token IDs. This is done by a 🤗 Transformers Tokenizer and PyTesseract. If you are not sure what this means check out chapter 6 of the Hugging Face Course.
Before we can process our dataset we need to define the features or the processed inputs, which are later based into the model. Features are a special dictionary that defines the internal structure of a dataset.
Compared to traditional NLP datasets we need to add the bbox feature, which is a 2D array of the bounding boxes for each token.
3. Fine-tune and evaluate LayoutLM
After we have processed our dataset, we can start training our model. Therefore we first need to load the microsoft/layoutlm-base-uncased model with the TFLayoutLMForTokenClassification class with the label mapping of our dataset.
Before we can train our model we have todefine the hyperparameters we want to use for our training. Therefore will create a dataclass.
The next step is to convert our dataset to a this can be done by the model.prepare_tf_dataset.
As mentioned in the beginning we want to use the Hugging Face Hub for model versioning and monitoring. Therefore we want to push our model weights, during training and after training to the Hub to version it. Additionally, we want to track the performance during training therefore we will push the Tensorboard logs along with the weights to the Hub to use the "Training Metrics" Feature to monitor our training in real-time.
Additionally, we are going to use the KerasMetricCallback from the transformers library to evaluate our model during training using seqeval and evaluate. The KerasMetricCallback allows us to compute metrics at the end of every epoch. It is particularly useful for common NLP metrics, like BLEU and ROUGE as well as for class specific f1 scores, like seqeval provides.
We can add all our callbacks to a list which we then provide to the method. We are using the following callbacks:
TensorBoard: To log our training metrics to Tensorboard
PushToHubCallback: To push our model weights and Tensorboard logs to the Hub
KerasMetricCallback: To evaluate our model during training
Before we can start our training we have to create the optimizer and compile our model.
We can ttart training with calling providing the training and validation dataset, along with the hyperparameters, optimizer, metrics and callbacks we defined before.
Nice, we have trained our model. 🎉 The best score we achieved is an overall f1 score of 0.7534.
After our training is done we also want to save our processor to the Hugging Face Hub and create a model card.
4. Run Inference
Now we have a trained model, we can use it to run inference. We will create a function that takes a document image and returns the extracted text and the bounding boxes.
We managed to successfully fine-tune our LayoutLM to extract information from forms. With only 149 training examples we achieved an overall f1 score of 0.7534, which is impressive and another prove for the power of transfer learning.
Now its your time to integrate Transformers into your own projects. 🚀
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, through Github, or on the forum. You can also connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn.