Fine-tune a non-English GPT-2 Model with Huggingface

September 6, 20209 minute readView Code

Unless you’re living under a rock, you probably have heard about OpenAI's GPT-3 language model. You might also have seen all the crazy demos, where the model writes JSX, HTML code, or its capabilities in the area of zero-shot / few-shot learning. Simon O'Regan wrote an article with excellent demos and projects built on top of GPT-3.

A Downside of GPT-3 is its 175 billion parameters, which results in a model size of around 350GB. For comparison, the biggest implementation of the GPT-2 iteration has 1,5 billion parameters. This is less than 1/116 in size.

In fact, with close to 175B trainable parameters, GPT-3 is much bigger in terms of size in comparison to any other model else out there. Here is a comparison of the number of parameters of recent popular NLP models, GPT-3 clearly stands out.


This is all magnificent, but you do not need 175 billion parameters to get good results in text-generation.

There are already tutorials on how to fine-tune GPT-2. But a lot of them are obsolete or outdated. In this tutorial, we are going to use the transformers library by Huggingface in their newest version (3.1.0). We will use the new Trainer class and fine-tune our GPT-2 Model with German recipes from

You can find everything we are doing in this colab notebook.

Transformers Library by Huggingface


The Transformers library provides state-of-the-art machine learning architectures like BERT, GPT-2, RoBERTa, XLM, DistilBert, XLNet, T5 for Natural Language Understanding (NLU), and Natural Language Generation (NLG). It also provides thousands of pre-trained models in 100+ different languages and is deeply interoperable between PyTorch & TensorFlow 2.0. It enables developers to fine-tune machine learning models for different NLP-tasks like text classification, sentiment analysis, question-answering, or text generation.


In the tutorial, we fine-tune a German GPT-2 from the Huggingface model hub. As data, we use the German Recipes Dataset, which consists of 12190 german recipes with metadata crawled from

We will use the recipe Instructions to fine-tune our GPT-2 model and let us write recipes afterwards that we can cook.


We use a Google Colab with a GPU runtime for this tutorial. If you are not sure how to use a GPU Runtime take a look here.

What are we going to do:

  • load the dataset from Kaggle
  • prepare the dataset and build a TextDataset
  • initialize Trainer with TrainingArguments and GPT-2 model
  • train and save the model
  • test the model

You can find everything we do in this colab notebook.

Load the dataset from Kaggle

As already mentioned in the introduction of the tutorial we use the "German Recipes Dataset" dataset from Kaggle. The dataset consists of 12190 german recipes with metadata crawled from In this example, we only use the Instructions of the recipes. We download the dataset by using the "Download" button and upload it to our colab notebook since it only has a zipped size of 4,7MB.


#upload files to your colab environment
from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload() - 4749666 bytes, last modified: 29.8.2020 - 100% done
#Saving to

After we uploaded the file we use unzip to extract the recipes.json .

!unzip ''
#inflating: recipes.json

You also could use the kaggle CLI to download the dataset, but be aware you need your Kaggle credentials in the colab notebook.

kaggle datasets download -d sterby/german-recipes-dataset

here an example of a recipe.

  "Url": "",
  "Instructions": "Vorab folgende Bemerkung: Alle Mengen sind Circa-Angaben und können nach Geschmack variiert werden!Das Gemüse putzen und in Stücke schneiden (die Tomaten brauchen nicht geschält zu werden!). Alle Zutaten werden im Mixer püriert, das muss wegen der Mengen in mehreren Partien geschehen, und zu jeder Partie muss auch etwas von der Brühe gegeben werden. Auch das Toastbrot wird mitpüriert, es dient der Bindung. Am Schluss lässt man das \u00d6l bei laufendem Mixer einflie\u00dfen. In einer gro\u00dfen Schüssel alles gut verrühren und für mindestens eine Stunde im Kühlschrank gut durchkühlen lassen.Mit frischem Baguette an hei\u00dfen Tagen ein Hochgenuss.Tipps: Wer mag, kann in kleine Würfel geschnittene Tomate, Gurke und Zwiebel separat dazu reichen.Die Suppe eignet sich hervorragend zum Einfrieren, so dass ich immer diese gro\u00dfe Menge zubereite, um den Arbeitsaufwand gering zu halten.",
  "Ingredients": [
    "1 kg Strauchtomate(n)",
    "1 Gemüsezwiebel(n)",
    "1 Salatgurke(n)",
    "1 Paprikaschote(n) nach Wahl",
    "6 Zehe/n Knoblauch",
    "1 Chilischote(n)",
    "15 EL Balsamico oder Weinessig",
    "6 EL Olivenöl",
    "4 Scheibe/n Toastbrot",
    "Salz und Pfeffer",
    "1 kl. Dose/n Tomate(n), geschälte, oder 1 Pck. pürierte Tomaten",
    "1/2Liter Brühe, kalte"
  "Day": 1,
  "Name": "Pilz Stroganoff",
  "Year": 2017,
  "Month": "July",
  "Weekday": "Saturday"

Prepare the dataset and build a TextDataset

The next step is to extract the instructions from all recipes and build a TextDataset. The TextDataset is a custom implementation of the Pytroch Dataset class implemented by the transformers library. If you want to know more about Dataset in Pytorch you can check out this youtube video.

First, we split the recipes.json into a train and test section. Then we extract Instructions from the recipes and write them into a train_dataset.txt and test_dataset.txt

import re
import json
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
with open('recipes.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
def build_text_files(data_json, dest_path):
    f = open(dest_path, 'w')
    data = ''
    for texts in data_json:
        summary = str(texts['Instructions']).strip()
        summary = re.sub(r"\s", " ", summary)
        data += summary + "  "
train, test = train_test_split(data,test_size=0.15)
print("Train dataset length: "+str(len(train)))
print("Test dataset length: "+ str(len(test)))
#Train dataset length: 10361
#Test dataset length: 1829

The next step is to download the tokenizer. We use the tokenizer from the german-gpt2 model.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("anonymous-german-nlp/german-gpt2")
train_path = 'train_dataset.txt'
test_path = 'test_dataset.txt'

Now we can build our TextDataset. Therefore we create a TextDataset instance with the tokenizer and the path to our datasets. We also create our data_collator, which is used in training to form a batch from our dataset.

from transformers import TextDataset,DataCollatorForLanguageModeling
def load_dataset(train_path,test_path,tokenizer):
    train_dataset = TextDataset(
    test_dataset = TextDataset(
    data_collator = DataCollatorForLanguageModeling(
        tokenizer=tokenizer, mlm=False,
    return train_dataset,test_dataset,data_collator
train_dataset,test_dataset,data_collator = load_dataset(train_path,test_path,tokenizer)

Initialize Trainer with TrainingArguments and GPT-2 model

The Trainer class provides an API for feature-complete training. It is used in most of the example scripts from Huggingface. Before we can instantiate our Trainer we need to download our GPT-2 model and create  TrainingArguments. The TrainingArguments are used to define the Hyperparameters, which we use in the training process like the learning_rate, num_train_epochs, or per_device_train_batch_size. You can find a complete list here.

from transformers import Trainer, TrainingArguments, AutoModelWithLMHead
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("anonymous-german-nlp/german-gpt2")
training_args = TrainingArguments(
    output_dir="./gpt2-gerchef", #The output directory
    overwrite_output_dir=True, #overwrite the content of the output directory
    num_train_epochs=3, # number of training epochs
    per_device_train_batch_size=32, # batch size for training
    per_device_eval_batch_size=64,  # batch size for evaluation
    eval_steps = 400, # Number of update steps between two evaluations.
    save_steps=800, # after # steps model is saved
    warmup_steps=500,# number of warmup steps for learning rate scheduler
trainer = Trainer(

Train and Save the model

To train the model we can simply run trainer.train().


After training is done you can save the model by calling save_model(). This will save the trained model to our output_dir from our TrainingArguments.


Test the model

To test the model we use another highlight of the transformers library called pipeline. Pipelines are objects that offer a simple API dedicated to several tasks, text-generation amongst others.

from transformers import pipeline
chef = pipeline('text-generation',model='./gpt2-gerchef', tokenizer='anonymous-german-nlp/german-gpt2',config={'max_length':800})
result = chef('Zuerst Tomaten')[0]['generated_text']


"Zuerst Tomaten dazu geben und 2 Minuten kochen lassen. Die Linsen ebenfalls in der Brühe anbrühen.Die Tomaten auspressen. Mit der Butter verrühren. Den Kohl sowie die Kartoffeln andünsten, bis sie weich sind. "

Well, thats it. We've done it👨🏻‍🍳. We have successfully fine-tuned our gpt-2 model to write us recipes.

To improve our results we could train it longer and adjust our TrainingArguments or enlarge the dataset.

You can find everything in this colab notebook.

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or comment on this article. You can also connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn.